Strategic Management: A Comprehensive Guide to the 3 Types of Strategies

Strategy is the cornerstone of any decision-making process within an organization. To ensure success, it is essential to understand the three levels of strategy: corporate-level, business-level, and functional-level. In this blog, we will explore each of these strategies and how they can be applied to your organization. At the top of the table of values is customer satisfaction, which is based on customer perceptions of your product or service. A value-based strategy focuses on the customer, so it is important to conduct thorough market research, establish open lines of communication, and build strong relationships with consumers.

It is also essential to consider how to balance profit maximization with customer satisfaction to ensure loyalty and long-term success. The last section of the table of values shows the value perceived by the organization's suppliers or the surplus of the suppliers. The total cost of producing goods or services, including physical and non-physical costs, is referred to as cost leadership. Companies must strive to keep costs low and provide greater value to customers. Organizations primarily use corporate strategy to define their vision and mission. These strategies are transmitted from top management to line business managers.

The CEO and board of directors will formulate such strategies. Companies that have chosen this from several types of business strategies can use different ways to implement it. Each business unit would have different objectives and a different business strategy to achieve these objectives. Functional-level strategies may also require updating processes, tools, technology, and structure to support initiatives such as entering new markets, improving service and customer satisfaction, and developing new sources of revenue. The best way to develop an organizational strategy is to carry out a comprehensive and exhaustive analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). For example, implementing a new strategy at the functional level may mean your marketing department shifting its focus to promoting new or improved products, while the sales department may begin to prioritize segmenting new customer demographics to maximize profits. When a company is planning to implement a product differentiation strategy, it must ensure that the product is truly distinct from its competitors.

Taking an online course such as Business Strategy can help you understand how to implement strategy in your organization and shed light on why some companies are more successful than others.